Bordering the Mediterranean sea, Albania has a rich history, and in the more recent past, has only been open to the practice of religion since the fall of its communist regime in 1992. Since then, many evangelical churches have been planted. However, around 70% of the population are Muslim.
You will be working in partnership with local churches and ministries in evangelism and other programmes.
Interested? Contact us here
There are many opportunities in a city context to help with English lessons or initiate appropriate ministry through sport, literacy and activities with children and teenagers as a youth worker. There will also be an opportunity to begin language study.
Dates are flexible.
GCSE French or higher qualification required.
Interested? Contact us here
You will learn basic Arabic and develop cross-cultural skills by engaging with local communities and building new relationships. You will learn to be light, salt and a witness for Christ in every situation.
Interested? Contact us here
Learn language and culture. Get involved hands-on in irrigation or building material construction projects.
Interested? Contact us here
Opportunities to help run a holiday club, assist in English teaching, (TEFL), shadow workers in developing and running business ventures, etc.
Interested? Contact us here