Project 45

Mission Centre Roof Fund

About the Project
Fifty years ago ReachAcross was gifted a building in the Midlands area of the UK that has been well used by ReachAcross and other missions. The building is a centre for the provision of member care and for the hosting of seminars and visiting missions speakers, pre-field orientation for new missionaries and cross-cultural workers; a place for field workers to rest, and a centre for training and mentoring of short term mission workers. It provides a base from which workers reach out to Muslim friends and neighbours. It is a house of peace and healing and a central hub for our organisation and work. In recent years the roof has begun to leak, requiring extensive repairs, estimated to be in the region of £40,000.

The target amount on this fundraising page is for total funds we seek to raise by 31st March, 2024. If this project becomes fully funded ReachAcross will use the donations raised where needed most. If for any reason this project fails, ceases to operate, or in any other way is curtailed, ReachAcross reserves the right to use any funds raised on similar projects or where needed most. Donating with Stewardship Fundraising is easy and secure. If you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give. Important: When using this donate button which links to our fundraising pages, if you are leaving any comments, then for the safety of our mission workers and their contacts, please do not mention the names or locations of any ReachAcross mission workers or their associates. Thank you.