We are excited to offer an opportunity for mission training. This programme is designed for those who are committed to serve in mission and require preliminary preparation.
Oasis Discipleship Programme is a short-term mission opportunity taking place in Egypt from October 2024 until May 2025, (*please enquire for further dates).
What is Oasis Discipleship?
A seven-month discipleship programme for those interested in cross-cultural mission. It is time out in the desert for Bible study and growing deep roots of faith while learning to live in a cross-cultural context, equipping you for a lifetime of fruitful relationships and ministry.
Where ?
In Egypt. The sky and sea are blue, and the coral reef is full of colourful fish. The weather is mild in the winter and hot in summer.
What will I do?
You will learn basic Arabic and develop cross-cultural skills by engaging with local communities and building new relationships. You will learn to be light, salt and a witness for Christ in every situation. You will spend time reading, interpreting and applying Scripture with others and participate in weekly worship, prayer and intercession. As part of your discipleship, you will reflect on what the Lord is teaching you through regular journalling, conversation and debriefing. Not to mention you will enjoy the beaches, sea, mountains, restaurants, cafes and some of the many activities the location has to offer.
What is the Culture Like?
The people here are a mix of local Bedouin, Egyptians, tourists and global nomads. Coptic families from upper Egypt come for work and a mixture of Arabic and English are spoken. Islam is the primary religion, yet many of the visitors have New Age philosophies and practices. Snorkelling, diving, kite surfing, creative arts, and hanging out in seaside cafes are regular pastimes for Egyptian and foreign tourists.
Who is Oasis Discipleship for?
Do you desire to know the Lord and play your unique part in seeing His kingdom come in this generation? Do you want to love, honour and serve others; grow in personal character, resilience and responsibility? Do you want to learn to appreciate and interact within foreign cultures whilst contributing to fellowship and community? Do you want to feed yourself and others from the Word of God, be led by the Holy Spirit and live a healthy lifestyle: physically, mentally, spiritually, relationally and economically? If the answer is ‘Yes!’ Oasis Discipleship Programme could be for you!
What is Required?
Basic life skills such as the ability to shop, cook, clean, stay well, and relate well with others. A humble, teachable spirit that is willing and able to learn.
How much does it cost?
The cost will be approximately £9,000. This is calculated to include your living expenses, flights and travel insurance, pre-field training and post-field debrief as well as a contribution to ReachAcross administration. As an organisation, we have experienced countless stories of God’s miraculous provision for our missionaries. Please get in touch if you need ideas or support for fundraising. Contact us for more information.
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