Project 69

West Africa Famine Relief

About the Project
Our mission has served in a country of the Sahel in West Africa for nearly 40 years. The population is dependent on rains for a good harvest. When the rains have failed ReachAcross has supplied food aid to local Christians for their families and to distribute to needy Muslim neighbours. This practical demonstration of love towards neighbour can be a powerful witness to the gospel. In 2018 ReachAcross charities worldwide raised over £14,000 for famine relief. It was used to give food aid to several remote villages, through a pastor and our local Bible translators.  ReachAcross is building up a contingency fund so we can respond quickly to the almost inevitable next drought.  Your donation will allow a quick response to those in need.

The target amount on this fundraising page is for total funds we seek to raise by 31st March, 2024. If this project becomes fully funded ReachAcross will use the donations raised where needed most. If for any reason this project fails, ceases to operate, or in any other way is curtailed, ReachAcross reserves the right to use any funds raised on similar projects or where needed most. Donating with Stewardship Fundraising is easy and secure. If you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give. Important: When using this donate button which links to our fundraising pages, if you are leaving any comments, then for the safety of our mission workers and their contacts, please do not mention the names or locations of any ReachAcross mission workers or their associates. Thank you.