Project 82

Yemen Aid Project

About the Project
ReachAcross has served in Yemen for nearly 70 years, sending some of our earliest missionary pioneers, followed by a constant stream of mission workers right up until today. However, we are living in the most challenging of times. Most missionaries have had to leave the country as war and violence continues to affect all major cities – from Hudaidah, to Sanaa, to Aden, and beyond. The country is in major crisis, with hundreds of thousands affected by Cholera, millions by food shortages or malnutrition, with everywhere experiencing a lack of medical supplies. Then there is the continuing aerial bombardment from hostile forces. More than 10,000 Yemeni civilians have been killed due to military action since the current hostilities began in 2015. ReachAcross is raising funds to provide relief for Yemeni’s practical and medical needs, acting through local Christian partners. There are huge needs and it is our hope and prayer that a large number of those who need help the most will benefit from this project, encouraging the local church members through receiving practical care, and enabling them to be a blessing to their Muslim family members, neighbours and friends as they help meet their needs too.

The target amount on this fundraising page is for total funds we seek to raise by 31st March, 2024. If this project becomes fully funded ReachAcross will use the donations raised where needed most. If for any reason this project fails, ceases to operate, or in any other way is curtailed, ReachAcross reserves the right to use any funds raised on similar projects or where needed most. Donating with Stewardship Fundraising is easy and secure. If you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give. Important: When using this donate button which links to our fundraising pages, if you are leaving any comments, then for the safety of our mission workers and their contacts, please do not mention the names or locations of any ReachAcross mission workers or their associates. Thank you.